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IAR call on gamers to help save the orangutan!

17th November 2021
A gamer playing a video game

We are recruiting gamers to help save a species and restore its precious rainforest habitat.

Following on from the success of our launch event, ‘Play For Our Planet’, we hope to develop this new fundraising stream by introducing more gamers to its cause. It has proven to be an exciting time for us so far, with over 60 gamers getting involved and sharing our message with their communities. This has been a great chance for us to get in front of more people and raise awareness about the threats to the orangutans’ survival that they face every single day.

To make the most of this opportunity, we have launched a new fundraising event, ‘Take The Fall For Orangutans’, which runs between 22nd – 29th November and incorporates a tournament with a cash prize!

In response to COP26, the recent United Nations Global Climate Change conference, this is a unique opportunity for gamers to play their part and work directly with an NGO that is on the front line of orangutan and biodiversity protection.

Speaking about this new fundraising avenue, International Animal Rescue’s Digital Content Executive Aidan Sears said: “Following the success of our previous event, we are excited to invite gamers once more to get involved and help rescue and rehabilitate Critically Endangered orangutans. The gaming community has already proved to be a powerful asset for our cause, with over £12,000 raised in the last year!”