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Henry the howler is released back into the wild

15th August 2018

Our partners, Refuge For Wildlife, have successfully rescued and rehabilitated another injured howler monkey. Henry was electrocuted when foraging for food.

He had spotted a Mango tree and was attempting to climb up it when he accidentally mistook an uninsulated power line for a branch.

A jolt of electricity sent him hurtling towards the ground, where he received a nasty injury to his forehead. Our vet,Francisco, stitched up Henry’s head at the clinic. The wound healed quickly, and he showed no other signs of injury meaning we were able to release him after a few weeks of recovery in our care.

Our team transported Henry to a forest far away from any uninsulated power lines. The moment we opened the transportation crate, he ran straight out, eager to enjoy the freedom of the forest once more.

Uninsulated power lines are an on-going danger for wildlife in Costa Rica. Our team at the refuge routinely rescue electrocuted howler monkeys and then release them back into the wild after a period of rehabilitation.

The Refuge for Wildlife’s Stop the Shocks Committee is dedicated to raising funds to purchase and install wildlife protection equipment. This is vital if we are to tackle the root of the problem.