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IAR speaks out against the Great British Circus scandal

15th September 2007

IAR members demonstrate peacefully against the Great British CircusDuring September members of International Animal Rescue demonstrated peacefully outside the site of the Great British Circus in Tonbridge, Kent.

The circus boasts lions, tigers, camels and zebras among its acts, arrogantly claiming that this is the circus is ‘for real animal lovers.’ IAR protestors were well received by members of the public, the majority of whom supported our stance against the use of wild animals in circuses and were keen to join our campaign.

Alan Knight, CEO of IAR, said: “These magnificent animals spend a lifetime in captivity, with endless hours travelling from town to town in small cages, just for the entertainment of an audience whose numbers thankfully are dwindling. Circus animals lead miserable lives that bear no resemblance to the way nature intended them to live in the wild, simply to bring in money for the circus by performing an inane and repetitive series of tricks.

The show must not go on: Circus scandal“In this day and age most people are shocked to learn that there are still circuses in the UK which exploit animals. There is no reason whatsoever to maintain this archaic and cruel tradition in an era when attitudes to animals and animal welfare have become more enlightened.

“Nor has the circus any educational value in terms of teaching people to respect animals and appreciate and conserve different species in their natural environment.”

The circus is in Kent until 22 September and IAR is urging people in Kent to join peaceful protests at the site to demonstrate their support for an end to the use of animals in circuses.