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Care for Estrellita

could go towards consistent nourishment, ensuring her steady progress.
could contribute towards her ongoing rehabilitation.
could go towards the ongoing vet and staff costs as we care for Estrellita round the clock!
could provide vital nourishment for Estrellita's recovery.
can help us provide Estrellita with specialised care and treatment tailored to her needs.
could go towards covering essential medical expenses and care.


Can you help orphaned baby Estrellita? The brave little howler monkey whose world shattered when she was tragically torn from her dead mother’s arms. Her mother, like too much of Costa Rica’s wildlife, fell victim to the perils of uninsulated power cables, taking her life and leaving Estrellita with severe burns and fighting for her life.

Estrellita now has to take on the world without the love and support of her mother.

If you can, please send a Christmas donation and help care for Estrellita and all the orphaned wildlife in our care.

Unfortunately, Estrellita’s story is far from uncommon but it highlights the ever present dangers faced by countless wildlife in Costa Rica due to rapid urban development.

Estrellita’s mother was electrocuted by uninsulated power cables. Animals mistake these cables for tree branches, with fatal consequences. Estrellita was clinging onto her mother’s back at the time of electrocution - she is very lucky to be alive. As you can see in the clip above we had to pull Estrellita from her dead mother’s arm - absolutely heartbreaking.

Despite her injuries, she is responding well to treatment, gaining weight, and showing the resilience to overcome her incredibly tough start to life. But Estrellita’s journey to full recovery is far from over. Our dedicated team is tirelessly working around the clock to ensure Estrellita’s recovery and they need your help!

By donating today, you can contribute directly to Estrellita’s ongoing care and rehabilitation.